Albert Einstein

Born 1879 in Ulm, Wüttemberg (Germany). Degree from the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), Zürich, 1900. Bern patent office 1902-1907. Ph.D. 1905, "A new determination of molecular dimensions". Privatdozent, U. Bern, 1908. Professor, Universität Zürich, 1909; Prague, 1911; ETH, 1912; Berlin, 1914-1933; Institute for Advanced Study, 1933-55.

Light quantum hypothesis, theory of Brownian motion, special theory of relativity, 1905. Principle of equivalence, 1907. Work on blackbody radiation, 1909. Theory of critical opalescence, 1910. Predicted bending of light by the sun quantitatively, Einstein theory of specific heats, 1911. General relativity, radiation in quantum theory, A and B coefficients, 1916. Cosmology, cosmological constant, 1917. Nobel Prize for 1921, awarded 1922. ...

Work related to particle dynamics includes special and general relativity, the metric form of relativity theory (1912-13), geodesic motion, dynamics as geometry.

For a scientific biography, see Abraham Pais, "'Subtle is the Lord', The Life and Science of Albert Einstein (Oxford, 1982).

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