Electronic Logbook

The java code for the elog is in ~cmslab/elog.

There are two ways to open it. First cd to ~cmslab/elog. Then:

1. Select the card type from the drop-down list.

2. Enter the card bar code, preferably with the help of a scanner.

3. Click on Retrieve Log

Possibility 1: No log file exists. The "Log Book" window stays empty. The Status Summary has not yet been created.

4. Before attempting to enter anything into the log file, first create a Status Summary file, by clicking on Status Summary. In the window that pops up click on Edit. This brings up the Status Summary Editing frame. Most of the fields already contain suggestions which you can change as appropriate. Fill in the revision number in any case. Clicking on Save values creates the file ~cmslab/elog/RCTlog/[cardtype]_[barcode].summary.The contents of this file is then  available by clicking on Status Summary.

5. To record in the elog that a test was performed, click on Sequence of Tests. This will result in a drop-down list of the different possible tests. Select the appropriate test from the list and click PASSED or FAILED, as the case may be. This results in the list item being entered into the "Text to enter into Log" window, provided you have created the Status Summary. In case you have omitted to create the Status Summary for the card in question, the elog will refuse to make the entry and ask you to first create the status summary.

IMPORTANT: Do always use the list to report that a test was performed and with what outcome. The list item string serves as searchable marker in the log file. Any deviation from the standard string makes it impossible to find out at a later time by means of an automated search that the card passed the test.

6. To enter the text displayed in the "Text to enter into Log" window into the log file, you need to enter your name in the "Who makes entry" field. Anonymous entries are not permitted. Then click on Enter. This has a number of results:

a) The text displayed before in the "Text to enter into Log" window is transfered to the "Log Book" window, together with a time stamp and the name in the "Who makes entry" field.

b) The entry appearing in the "Log Book" window is written to the ascii log file for the card in question, located in ~cmslab/elog/RCTlog/[cardtype]_[barcode].log. At this point, the entry into the log file is final. If you find at a later time that an entry you made earlier needs to be corrected, do so by making a new entry, where you explain that fact.

c) The  status summary file is updated. Each passed test is indicated in the "Passed standard tests" field as a"1". Each test that has either not yet been performed or that has failed is indicated by a "0". Should a previously successful test fail at a later time, entering this with the help of the standard tests lists and the FAILED button will set a "1" back to "0". The validated to % field gives simply the ratio of passed tests to all tests.
NOTE: Tests 4,5 are optional for EICs and are not counted towards the total.

d) The entry to the "Log Book"window is also added to the "Current Session" window. All entries made during the on-going session can be reviewed in the in the "Current session" window. The "current session" window is cleared when the elog session is closed.
7. The "Text into Log" window is editable, so that you can add any comments you wish to the standardized list item string. But do absolutely not, as said before, modify the standardized list item strings themselves.

8. There are several lists to enter standardized strings into the elog. You get to them by clicking on either of the buttons: Sequence of Tests, Modifications, Stamps.

a) The Sequence of Tests list should be used whenever one of the standard tests required to validate a card has been attempted.
Having passed the visual inspection  (TEST 1 for all card types)  should be considered a requirement before any of the other standard tests can be carried out. A few cards that were tested very early on stray from this scheme, but should be considered historical exceptions.
b) The Modifications list should be used when one of the standard modifications needed for all cards of a given type has been carried out. This happens typically before the Visual Inspection is finished.
c) The Stamps list provides the following standardized strings: 
* "Recycled Parts Used:" Self-explanatory. Used for boards assembled with ASICS and Cypress VME chips harvested from non-production RCs. Also used for repairs where a suspect chip was taken off a board during testing, found to be functioning properly and subsequently reused.
* "Major Repairs" Should be used when a board underwent extensive repairs that might have affected its reliability such that preferably the board should be used as spare only.
*"Modifications Applied:" Can be used when a modification is applied that is not in the list of the standard modifications for a card type.

9. From the elog, you also have access to the RCT production testing web pages. Click on Test Docu and select from the drop-down list.
This opens the RCT documentation pages in a simple web browser.

10. In order to close an elog session, click on the "cross" button in the upper left corner.

Possibility 2: A log file already exists and will be displayed in the "Log Book" window. Clicking on Status Summary will retrieve
the status summary file for the card in question. Follow points 5 - 8 above to add new entries to the log file.

Changing the card type will clear the "Log Book" window automatically. Entering a new bar code however does not clear the "Log Book" window or retrieve the log file corresponding to the new bar code. Text entered for the new bar code will be added to the correct log file, but at the same time is simply appended to any text already displayed in the "Log Book" window. This may lead to the wrong impression that the text was added to an incorrect log file. To avoid confusion, ALWAYS click on Retrieve Log when you've entered a new bar code without changing the card type at the same time.

Questions or comments to: Monika Grothe (grothe@hep.wisc.edu)


elog_StatusSummarySave elog_StatusSummaryCreated






