Bernice Durand


Birthdate: December 28, 1942, Clarion, Iowa
Nationality: U.S.
Marital status: Married Loyal Durand, October 18, 1970
Undergraduate education: Radcliffe College and Iowa State University
B.S. Iowa State University, 1965, Physics with minors in Mathematics and Modern Languages
Ph.D. Iowa State University, 1971, Physics with minor in Mathematics
Theoretical particle physics, strong interactions, composite Higgs, algebraic symmetries
           in particle physics
Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Climate, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Associate Professor of Physics, 1986-92
Assistant Professor of Physics, 1977-86
Lecturer (half-time) in Physics, 1970-77
Research Associate, 2 yrs FTE, 1970-77
Iowa State University, Ames Lab AEC
Teaching Assistant & 1967-70
Summer Research Assistant, 1958-61
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Visiting Scientist, six months, 1984
Guest Scientist, academic year, 1982-83
Visitor, one month, 1973
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Visiting staff member, 4 months, 1984, 1 month, 1983
1 month, 1976, 3 months, 1975
California Institute of Technology
Visitor, two months, 1978
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Visiting Member, academic year, 1975-76

Recipient of the Wisconsin Alumni Association Cabinet 99 Award, 2002
            Biennial $10,000 award for outstanding contributions to the university, a commitment to
            increasing opportunities for women, and a reputation for leadership, tenacity, and courage
Recipient of Chancellor's Recognition for Outstanding Contributions to Campus Diversity, 2002
Distinguished Honorary Member, National Society of Collegiate Scholars (student academic/service
            honorary society), 2002
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
Carrie Chapman Catt Courtyard, Iowa State University, inscribed brick presented by the ISU Physics
            Department to recognize contributions to the department, 1994
Listed in The Best Professors at the UW-Madison as chosen by the students , WSA, Spring 1992
Faculty Appreciation Award from UW-Madison Panhellenic Association, Spring 1992, Spring 2002
Faculty Appreciation Award from UW-Madison Intrafraternity Council, Fall 1992
Listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World,
            Who's Who in the Midwest, Who's Who of American Women,
            World Who's Who of Women, probably others

American Physical Society, 1969--
Division of Particles and Fields
Division of Physics and Society
Division of History of Physics
Sigma Xi, 1971 --
American Association of University Professors, 1972--
Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, 1973--
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1973--
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Art and Letters, 1978--

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