HTCondor at UW-Madison#

Q1.I am in posession of a program that requires large amounts of CPU time to run, and I would like to use the Wisconsin grid for running this program.#

You can submit your job from your directory in /nfs_scratch. But you have to tell Condor whether 1) you want to transfer the input/output files or not, and 2) to which directory, after the job completion. Depending upon the settings 1) and 2), Condor will perform the desired task. If you don’t explicitly provide the names of the input/output directories then your submit directory will be assumed for all input/output operation purposes. More detailed descriptions can be found elsewhere.#

  • First, prepare a job description file that will be used for condor_submit : job_description_file
  • Then, submit the job to Condor using the command : condor_submit job_description_file

Contacting Condor#