CMS Software and CMS CVS at UW-HEP#

See CMSSW Developer’s Guide for more info. This is a simple guide, like CVS, for “checking out” and “checking in” CMS Software. It uses Concurrent Versions System, CVS, for this.#

We assume you have gone through getting a UW-HEP account, a grid certificate, etc….#

(1) Only do once#

# put these lines into your .bash_profile:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
# soon, the above line might read instead

# Next set up a project area for the CMSSW 
#  version you want to check out and/or modify
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_2_1_X

(2) Checking out a Module#

# Get an autheticated kerberos token
kinit -4 anderson@CERN.CH
#not needed anymore:
#project CMSSW

# Go to the CMSSW directory you created in step 1
cd CMSSW_2_1_X/src/
cmsenv               #(used to be eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`)

# Check out the module you want with 
#  the same version as the CMSSW you're using
cvs co -r CMSSW_2_1_X RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification
# OR: To check out the HEAD version or that module
cvs co RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification

# Build the module
cd RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification
scramv1 b

(3) Checking in a Module#

# Now, you modified a file in the module.
# Update checks to see if anyone else edited it
#   (if so, you'll have to deal with their edits)
# Commit commits your changes with a comment
cvs update -A fileName
cvs commit -m "Comment" fileName

# Now give it a new tag
cvs tag -R V00-00-0Y folderName