Redownload lost/corrupted MC/Data files#

Note : User files that are lost can’t be redownloaded. They can at best be recovered from read-only disks in the WNs/SNs, if they are still readable.#

Run this on login05/login06 for now.#

a) Create a directory in /scratch in login05/login06 i.e. /scratch/$username.#

b) Create a cms voms-proxy.#

c) Copy (if doesn’t exist) the script file “” to /scratch/$username from /cms/cmsprod/bin.#

d) Run it : python -f /store/mc/Summer13dr53X/QCDPt-600to800TuneZ2star13TeV-pythia6/GEN-SIM-RAW/PU25bx25START53_V19D-v2/10000/D600B8AB-C010-E311-98DC-001E67398228.root -r